Notes |
- 1 NAME Johnathan /Brewster/
2 GIVN Johnathan
2 SURN Brewster
!SOURCE: A History of The Allerton Family in The United States, 1585 to 1 885, and A Genealogy of the Descendants of Isaac Allerton, "Mayflower Pil grim," Plymouth, Mass., 1620. By Walter S. Allerton, New York City, 1888 . Revised and Enlarged By Horace True Currier, Chicago. Published By Samu al Waters Allerton, Chicago. Illinois, 1900. p. 115-118
!TEMPLE ORDINANCES: Patron Notification Form dated 4 Dec 1991
!BIRTH: 1. "A Descent from Henry III to Judith Lewis Gibbins of Saco Main e" by Walter Goodwin Davis, B.A., L.L.B., of Portland, Maine. Ar ticle in "The American Genealogist, Number 73, July 1942, Vol. xi x, No.1. 2. "A History of the Allerton Family in the United State s 1585 to 1885" by Walter S. Allerton, New York City, 1888; Publi shed by Samuel Waters Allerton, Chicago, Illinois, 1900. (Revise d and enlarged by Horace True Currier.)
!MARRIAGE: Same as above
!DEATH: Over 110 Years since birth.
!Jonathan came to New England in the "Fortune" in 1621. He had eight chi ldren.